Welcome Future Deep Tech Founders!

We are excited to see you take the first step towards a lifetime of entrepreneurship. Journey will be really hard but it will be worth it.

Hoes does it work?

During the course you will learn the practical aspects of launching Startup which no body talks about.

In assignments you will build digital assets for your startup such as Email, Website, LinkedIn & Twitter Profile, AWS & GCP Accounts, Y Combinator Startup School Profile etc.

There will be real life milestones such as:

  • Y Combinator Startup School Certification
  • Greater than 100 followers on LinkedIn Company Page
  • Greater than 50 followers on Twitter Company Page
  • AWS Activate Credits
  • GCP Startup Credits

And... Once you complete the course fulfilling all the necessary milestones then you will lease all the digital assets to us for a 5 month time period.

During this 5 month time our engineering team will build a Minimum Viable Product for the idea you chose and host it on AWS or GCP and market it using the digital assets.

What will you get?

You get lifetime ability and fearless attitude to launch your ideas within 1 week time with USD $10 to 15 investment.

As the cloud credits are used for building ML models or hosting or running experiments, we will pay you 10% of AWS and 5% of GCP credits used on monthly basis. You can easily earn upto USD $1000.

All digital assets built by you will be returned to you after the leasing period is over.

What is your investment?

It is completely free to enroll. You will put an effort of 4 to 5 hours per week.

Monetary investment of USD $10 to 15 to buy your domain name, website hosting and Email for your chosen domain, amount might vary depending on which hosting and email provider you choose.

We understand that you might be reluctant to invest your money but this is the best way to ensure that you have skin in the game and actually achieve all the milestones and complete the course.

How can you earn more?

You will get USD $50 for every referral of a like minded friend with entrepreneurial mindset who completes the course fulfilling all the necessary milestones. Please email to [email protected] along with the Name and Email address of the friend while keeping them in CC in your email.